
About myself

Hello, my name is Jun Fujii and I’m a business man working at a mediocre firm in Nagoya, Japan. I’m also a father of a sweet boy, who loves cars and trains.

I plan to share my views of a great touring spots in Nagoya where you can go with a family with small children. I’ve now lived in Nagoya for about 7 years now and I understand how hard it is to enjoy going out with a small child. I want to share places where not only the child but the parents can enjoy with the child as well.

And I also want to share how to deal with Japanese business culture, where I feel is totally unique and different that you may be surprised to find out. I’ve spent my youth in the States, and I understand the differences between Western culture and that of Japan. Those differences are exactly the points where I myself was surprised and shocked, so I want to show how I’ve overcome them and adapted to it. My career started from junior sales -> sales promotion -> corporate strategy -> business strategy