How do I get along with a senpai in Japanese business culture?

In this article, I will answer the following questions that might come to mind when you work at or with a Japanese firm.

What is a senpai and how do I get along with one? Is it different by types of senpai?

What you will learn

What is a senpai
There are 3 types of senpai

I feel that I am credible to write this article because I have 7 years experience at a typical midsize Japenese firm. I have been working from fresh graduate where I had etiquette training, and been working as international sales, and corporate strategist.

1. What is a senpai

In business a senpai is a senior coworker, who is relatively close to your age or business career at the firm. In one way you ca say that a Senpai is a relatively close senior coworker. However according to what they expect from a kohai or a junior coworker, you must be careful how to respond to your senpai.

2. The 3 types of senpai

1-1 Taiikukai-kei, or sports-minded and hierarchical type

This may be the most difficult type to get along with. For this will be the type that if you do not behave like a typical sports-minded kohai, they will be very frustrated. These types of senpai will expect you to do exactly what they tell you to do, no questions asked, no matter the conditions. From serving beer to your senpai’s glass before the glass is open, searching for meeting room whenever a meeting is scheduled, to fetching taxi before your senpai finds one, you must comply with your senpai’s order before he/she feels it should be ready. I try not to get close to these types because I know I can never satisfy them.

1-2 Friendly, but hierarchical type

These light hierarchical type is the most common type and if you respect certain rules, they will be easily satisfied, and to get along with. Such certain rules depend in person, and it may seem hard to find, but if you get to know them well enough, they’ll give you signs that say “get these right and I’ll be your senpai.” These are the majority and if you keep a comfortable distance, it is fairly easy to get along with, so should you need allies in your company, get to know these senpais.

1-3 Totally friendly and fair type

Friendly type is the most rare and hard to find, but there are senpais that treat you as equals and do not expect any sort of hierarchical respect at all. They are hard to cone by, but when you run into one, you will gain a lot of information about the company and gain access to the same types of peoples. When you run into these senpais, I advise you to try to earn their friendship and you may gain the network of friends to live through your company.


1. Senpai is a senior coworker who is close to you in age or length of career.
2. Be aware of which of the 3 types your Senpai classify, and remember that the 3rd type is most important


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