How Asahi Beer Nagoya Brewery factory tour will make a good family trip

If you are looking for a place to enjoy free Japanese beer while you’re in Nagoya, you should definitely consider going for factory tour at Asahi Beer Nagoya Brewery factory!!

If you are with a family and are wondering if you can take your child with you, not to worry, there are varieties of soft drinks available for kids to enjoy!

What you will learn

At Asahi Beer Nagoya Brewery factory tour is…
friendly to English speakers
can taste and enjoy Japanese beer
family friendly with lots of soft drinks

Difficult access but free of charge

10 minutes walk from nearest station

Access is a bit difficult but not too far from the nearest station. It’ll be about 10 minute walk from nearest Shin-Moriyama station of JR Chuo Line. It’ll be a walk through residential area with no landmarks, so you might want to map it on your mobile map application just in case you get lost. It was a confusing walk for a Japanese native like myself!

There are very little information signs on the street that show the way to the brewery, so it is actually a bit hard to reach. However, once you reach the factory property, there are enough signs which will prevent you from getting lost in the factory.

Of course the factory tour is totally free if charge, but you’ll need to make appointment in advance. Please check with Nagoya Brewery for vacancy.
Reference: Asahi Beer Factir Tour Official Website

You will enjoy the tour!

English guidance is available

After entering the tour entrance, clerks which will be your guide for the tour will welcome you. Tell the clerk your appointment time and your name for confirmation.

The tour equips a headset that have English guidance, so you will not miss any information. Moreover, the guide speaks fluent English, so any questions you may have will likely be answered.

During my tour, I was with a group from Singapore, but they seem to be enjoying the tour, all questions answered. Having a nice chat with the guide.

The machines are pretty cool.

It is quite surprising to see how fast and automated these beer production lines are. I never expected they would show so much of the production lines on the tour. Of course there was a room where it was private and cannot show, but you’ll get a nice view from above if the fast moving machines, you are sure to enjoy!

You can drink up to 3 glasses of beer or soft drinks

After the tour, you’ll cone back to the caffeteria space where you can choose a glass of beer or soft drink of your choice. The seats are assigned so be sure to seat on your designated table. There will be a wet towel and a small snack for each participants waiting for you to have with the drinks. You can drink up to 3 glasses in 20 minutes.

2 to 3 beers to choose from!

They would always have Asahi Super Dry, but the couplings will change from time to time. The guide told us that they usually have Dry Black, but they had something else instead when my family visited.

Lots of soft drinks

I heard from the guide that it is very rare to have so much soft drinks like Asahi Beer. Other breweries will only have tea ready and surely kids will not be happy with teas!! Here, they’ll have Calpis, ciders, teas, and coffee, the line up you see in an Asahi beverage vending machines. If you are lucky, they will have a limited editions of the soft drinks like Amao Calpis. However, for some limited soft drinks, you’ll need to take a different tour so be sure to confirm the brewery in advance.


Before taking the tour, I was a Suntory beer fan. But bow that I’ve experienced the nicest tour which my kid enjoyed, I feel like I’d rather buy Asahi now than Suntory.

Even if it is a bit confusing to reach, a good beer, and a fun time for the kids is a worth going for the tour.


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